
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reppin' LA - Dodgers Nail Art

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday! I hope everyone's week is going well so far! Today I have another nail art look that I rocked over the weekend. I know, I know... two nail art posts two days in a row?! Madness! It can't be! Not sure what's come over me, but it's true! I have some more nail art for your viewing pleasure =)

I went to a baseball game this weekend, and of course I had to do my nails accordingly. I started with a base of two coats of Essie Aruba Blue on all of my nails except my ring fingers. Aruba Blue is a *gorgeous* jewel-toned shimmery blue that's seriously stunning. And the formula was amazing. And it didn't stain... say what?? For my ring fingers, I used two coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls.

Then, since I was in a rush to get to the game, I enlisted my very amazing artistically-talented roommate to do the designs on my nails for me. And she did such an awesome job! She free-handed the LA on my pointer finger and did the more abstract baseball on my ring finger using Sephora by OPI High Maintenance. Then I added Essie Matte About You to my middle finger just to mix it up a bit and get a subtle skittlette going. I loved the final look - I felt so proud to be an Angeleno! And while the Dodgers lost, I had a great time and had a nice excuse to rep some fun LA nails. 

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great day. And remember, Think Blue! =D


I really love getting comments, so if you like my post or have any suggestions, I'd love to hear what you think! I make sure to respond to every single one because I think this nail blogging community should be a collaborative one, and I love meeting and interacting with other nail polish addicts! Please don't post links to your blog on here, but if you'd like me to check it out, please email me at Happy Commenting =)