
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Zoya Nyx Swatch and Review

Hey guys! 

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. =) Mine was great! I was really productive on Friday and Saturday and got caught up with everything for school, and Saturday night I went out for Lily's birthday. She turned 23 last week! It's crazy to think that we met 12 years ago in 6th grade math class.  We both played tennis and had the same shirt from Abercrombie and Fitch (yeah, that's how long ago it was) that said "Love means nothing in tennis," and one day we both wore it and that's how we started talking! So cute I know. Haha.  Just wanted to give a shout out to my bestie because I love her. <3

Now that that's out of the way, we can talk about polish!  Yesterday after I had already had my daily dose of polishing, a package came.  And it was from Zoya! Finally! I ordered my free polishes before the promotion officially started, but I expected it to take a while to ship because I got Nyx from the new PixieDust collection, which wasn't technically supposed to be released until February 1.  So of course, I had to take my polish off right away so I could try out Nyx.  And I love it!!

Click on the link below for swatches and a review!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Zoya FeiFei

Hey guys!

Can you believe it's almost the weekend already?? I wish every week was only four days... I feel like this week has just flown by! And I love it.  I really really do.

Today I wanna show you the notorious Zoya FeiFei.  I just got this polish in the Zoya 3-Free promotion (along with many other polishes).   FeiFei was released this past fall as part of Zoya's Diva collection, and it immediately received a lot of buzz.  It's such a unique and complex shade - I've never seen anything like it!  And it's made of so many different colors it's almost impossible to accurately describe.  As you can see in the photos below, FeiFei is a chameleon and changes its dominant color depending on the lighting.  Click on the link below for a detailed description and more pictures!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

OPI Diva of Geneva

Hey guys!

Did everyone have a good 3-day weekend?  I know I did!  Camping was really really REALLY cold at night, and I almost froze until my friend showed up and saved the day with warm sleeping bags in the middle of the night.  She was seriously a lifesaver.  The weather was pretty decent out during the day though, and the place we went was amazing!  There were a bunch of huge crazy rock formations everywhere and it was fun climbing all over them.  I was really cautious when it came to my nails though - I didn't want to break any of them!  They got a little dry because of the cold weather and the fact that we were in the desert, but it's nothing that some CND Solar Oil couldn't remedy.  But anyway, long story short, I had a really good weekend camping, and now I'm ready to start the week.

Now on to the nail polish.  Today the color I'm showing you is one of my old favorites, OPI Diva of Geneva.  It was released as part of OPI's Swiss collection in 2010.   Click on the link below to see more photos and my thoughts about this beauty!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Scotch Tape Kind-of-Retro Nails

Happy Friday!

I'm excited that it's almost the weekend!  Even though I've only been back at school for a couple of weeks, I'm still so ready for a 3-day break.  I'm going camping and roughing it through the cold.  It's supposed to be beautiful out this weekend though, so I think it'll be great!  

Today, I want to show you some nail art that I did using scotch tape.  I was inspired by this manicure on My Nail Graffiti.  I think the look ended up looking kind of retro... the colors i used and the geometric pattern remind of of the 60s.  Click on the link below to see more photos!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Essie Bikini So Teeny and Shine of the Times

Hey guys!

I hope everyone's week is going well so far. =) Mine has been good... yesterday we learned how to draw blood, and then we practiced on each other!  Usually my veins are really hard to find so I was a little nervous, but my partner did an amazing job and it was the best blood draw I've ever had, no joke!  Also, it's kinda sorta almost the weekend! So I'm happy.  Especially because it's a 3-day weekend and I'm going camping despite the cold weather.  I can't wait!

Today I want to show you not one, but two of my favorite polishes!  Both are Essie, which is a bit odd because I'm not the biggest fan of Essie.  I usually feel like the formula on Essie polishes leave much to be desired.  But these two polishes are so pretty that I can overlook any shortcomings their formulas may have.  They're called Bikini So Teeny and Shine of the Times.  You can read more and see pictures after the jump.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Saran Wrap Nails

Happy Monday!

I know, I know, Mondays aren't the best... BUT I just took my dermatology test this morning and it went pretty well!  We still have a couple hours of lecture this afternoon (so not fair), but I'm still relieved to have that test done and out of the way.

Usually when I study, I reward myself by doing my nails after completing a certain amount of work, and this weekend was no exception!  Yesterday, I attempted saran wrap nails for the first time - it's something that I've really been wanting to try because the technique seems pretty simple and yields really pretty and interesting results.  Mine didn't turn out quite how I wanted them to, but I'm satisfied enough for a first attempt.  Check out the photos and a description after the jump!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

a England St. George

Hey guys!

I hope you're having a good weekend and a nice relaxing Sunday before the week starts.  My weekend has been good... I spent Friday relaxing with my boyfriend (which was great), but the rest of the time I have been studying for my dermatology exam that I have tomorrow.  I've only been back at school for one week, and I already have a test!  Oh med school... (yes, med students complain a lot :p).

Anyways, today I'm showing you an amazing polish from a England's The Legend collection.  This indie brand is one that is new to me, and, even though it's only been around for 2 years, it has made quite an impact on the polish world!  Even though this is the first a England polish I have tried, I am SO impressed and excited to try more and do some nail art with them!  Check out a review and pictures after the jump.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gradient Nails!

Hey guys!

This week I attempted gradient nails for the first time, and I actually think they turned out pretty nice!  I have always loved the gradient look -  there are so many different ways you can do it and so many color combinations... the possibilities are endless!  I think I've just always been a little afraid to attempt the gradient look because I assumed it would be too hard, but I was so wrong.  Check out the photos after the jump!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NOTD: China Glaze Exotic Encounters

Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday!  Yesterday was my first day back at class after two amazing weeks of winter break.  It was really nice having the opportunity to relax and not worry about school for a little bit, as well as be able to see all my friends that I don't get to see too often because my schedule is so hectic.  But now it's back to the grind, and I already have a test coming up on Monday!  

Now on to the polish.  Today I want to show you the polish that I'm currently wearing.  I've been so into holos and glitters lately that I wanted something simple and clean, but still interesting, if even just for a day or two.  

Exotic Encounters is from China Glaze's On Safari collection that was released last summer.  I picked this up a while ago and just got around to wearing it!  Exotic Encounters is a dusty, green-leaning, teal creme.  Being a lover of blues and greens, I love this polish!  It definitely stands out, in my opinion, and somehow manages to be bright and dark at the same time.  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cirque XX

Hey guys!

Today I want to show you a new polish from Cirque, a brand that is new to me and relatively new to the polish world, and a brand that has absolutely impressed me.  I have only ordered 2 polishes from Cirque (I will show you Cypress in a later post), but that's all I needed to be a believer.  Both polishes I ordered are from Cirque's newest Objet D'Art Collection.  Click Read More to see my review and more pics!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Candy Cane Nails: Better Late Than Never!

Hey Guys!

I know that the holidays are over, but I still wanted to show you one of my first experiences with striping tape.  I tried this look after seeing Jen The Polishaholic's tutorial for candy cane nails here.  I have been following her blog for a while now and I am always so impressed with her swatches and amazing nail art posts!

For this look, I started off with a base of two coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls.  This is the perfect slightly-greyed off-white color.  It doesn't look chalky, and it applies pretty evenly in two coats, which is amazing for a white polish!  Once the white base was completely dry, I laid down a combination of striping tape for the thinner lines and regular scotch tape for the larger white areas where I wanted the lines to be.  Next, I used one coat of OPI An Affair in Red Square over the nail and striping tape.  Immediately after applying the red polish, I pulled off the tape to get the crisp, clean lines.  

Here's how the mani came out after cleanup.  The photos below were taken indoors in artificial light and were taken before top coat was applied.

Right Hand 

Left Hand

One rookie mistake I made was applying top coat too soon (even though I swear I waited almost two hours!).  Applying top coat too early makes the colors run when using striping tape, even if the polish feels dry to the touch.  As you can see, this happened on my pinky on my left hand.  I actually waited until the next day to apply top coat to the rest of my nails to avoid having the colors bleed like that.  I know my nails don't look perfect in the images above, but I think the manicure came out pretty well for a first attempt, and you can't see the mistakes as obviously in person.

I really love this look because 
1) it's so festive and fun! 
2) it's only slightly time consuming (perfect for a study break) and 
3) it's not difficult to do, even for a nail art rookie like me!

So what do you guys think?  Did you do any fun holiday manicures? 

Welcome to Polished Prescription!

Hey everyone!  Thanks so much for stopping by our blog!

This blog was created by two best friends, Kelsey and Lily, who have an arguably unhealthy obsession with nail polish.  We are both graduate students on our way to becoming physicians.  Kelsey is a first year medical student, while Lily is completing her Masters in Global Medicine.  We have been friends since 6th grade and have always had an interest in nail polish.  We do our nails as a way to relieve some of the stress that comes along with our never-ending studying.  We don't get to spend as much time together as we used to due to our hectic schedules, but whenever we do get the chance to hang out, you can be sure that nail polish will be involved!

We decided to start this blog as a way to share our passion for polish with other polish addicts.  We also love reading other nail polish blogs, so we wanted a way to connect with all of you.  Both of us are new to blogging, so please bear with us while we continue to develop our blog.

We will both post pictures of our current manicures when we have the time.  We will post both swatches of mainstream, indie, and handmade brands, as well as some nail art.  

We truly look forward to having a blog of our very own and to meet other nail polish addicts like us.  Thank you so much for stopping by!